Circular No: 015/18 of 09/11/2018 information regulating registration from the President

Date: 09/11/2018

Circular No: 015/18  


An information circular

Receive warm greetings from me as you keep the flag of the Wimbum Students’ Union waxing strong in your branch, locality or residence.

I write to remind and inform you that from the date of issue of this circular, you shall henceforth fulfil the following obligations resolved during the last convention in Njap village for the progress of our union

Ø  Membership registration shall henceforth be done at the branch level at the disposal of the branch presidents and branch financial secretary. This is to check the inactive Wisuans who only operate at branch level as WISU members without their membership cards. This shall be done through the union’s website http://wisu.mywebcommunity.org   Each registered member shall be given a member ship card valid for four years with a unique identification number.

Ø  In line with the clause above, the annual membership contribution shall equally be paid at the branch level and during the annual convention. This shall be done by the branch president and financial secretary through the union website http://wisu.mywebcommunity.org   This because if you belong to the union, you must contribute to its growth, whether present or not at the convention.

Ø  The branch president shall calculate the total amount of money and pay into the union’s bank account with BAPCUL Bank and receipts forwarded to the union’s financial secretary and treasurer. This is to ensure transparency and accountability.

Ø  Due to the difficulty for some urban branches to effectively go on with their usual meetings due to the present socio-political condition, I call on the branch presidents to continue to mobilise the members through social media especially whatsapp. We need to adapt with the advancing technology.

Ø  Copies of the WISU constitution amended August 2018 are available at the WISU secretariat at 500frs a copy.

I wish you the best as you implement these resolutions,

The WISU President                                                 

               Ngenge Paul Shingong

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